Get a 720 Credit Score After Bankruptcy

Millions of Americans have benefited from the United States Bankruptcy laws.

Chapter 7 discharges crushing debts.

Chapter 13 reorganizes debts. It allows you to keep needed assets. For instance, your car and/or your home.

Either of these Chapters gives you a financial “FRESH START.”

What happens after Bankruptcy? People need credit. People must rebuild their credit score.

Access to credit and reasonable credit terms is essential in today’s world.

After Bankruptcy, people need credit to finance a buying a car. The same to buying a home.

A good credit score such as 720 gives you easier access to credit. And allows you to get better terms.

We know how daunting it can be to figure out the easiest way to rebuild your credit score.

So, how can we help our clients?

We found a way.

When our clients get a Chapter 7 discharge or have their Chapter 13 case confirmed:

  1. You get immediate access to an internet portal.
  2. This portal (or internet site) is dedicated to rebuilding your credit score.
  3. It is entirely FREE; it’s simple; and gives you the steps you need to increase your credit score.

The program provides you to rebuild your credit to a 720 score.

This access to the Free program is an extra benefit we now offer our clients.

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