Chicago Parking Tickets – Things You Should Know About

Did you ever park your car to run into a store for a few minutes? You  come back out and find a big fat Chicago Parking ticket on your  windshield. It has happened to me. Ruins your day! Accumulated  parking tickets are a major headache; license suspension; being  “booted”; cars impounded. If the tickets go […]

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How Do Parking Tickets And Arrests Contribute To Debt?

The city of Chicago is aggressively looking for infractions on  parking meters and red light cameras. When people cannot pay  immediately, these fees and fines are doubled. People then cannot  possibly catch up. Parking tickets and red light tickets are not  dischargeable in a chapter 7 bankruptcy but are dischargeable in chapter 13. We frequently do chapter

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Chicago Parking Tickets and Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

RED LIGHT AND CAMERA TICKETS Can Chicago Parking tickets be eliminated in Chapter 7? Yes, based on conditions. PREFACE: As general rule parking tickets and debts to the Illinois Tollway  Authority cannot be discharged in Chapter 7. However, the City of  Chicago has carved out an exception. The City of Chicago will waive or eliminate certain

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