How Does Filing Bankruptcy Have Favorable Impact on Credit Score

Not  being able to pay your bills as they become due lowers your score  dramatically to the lower 500s, sometimes the 400s. If it is multiplied  with a lawsuit, a garnishment, repossession, multiple items with the  credit bureau, your score goes down dramatically. If you get rid of all  those debts, you start from scratch,

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Bankruptcy Credit Score Video

What Is Cash Collateral And The Use Of Secured Property?

After the filing of the case the first motion usually filed is for a  Cash Collateral Order. Generally there is property that will be used for  the business that generates revenue. If the property has been used to  secure a loan the creditor must be given Adequate Protection. For  instance, if Accounts Receivables have been

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Bankruptcy Cash Video

Social Security, Unemployment, Worker’s Comp and Bankruptcy

THERE ARE 2 TYPES OF QUESTIONS THAT PEOPLE RECEIVING BENEFITS ASK As  to the first question, receiving benefits such as Social Security,  Unemployment, or Worker’s Compensation the answer is ”YES.” Receiving  benefits is not a deterrent to filing a case. SHOULD YOU? THAT IS MORE OF AN INDIVIDUAL DECISION. First,  you should know: private creditors

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Bankruptcy Social Security Unemployment Video Worker's Comp